A Message From The CEO

I am so excited to share this new vision and format with you all. Providing more useful information to you all to help you on your path to your bold dream is what I live for. Remember, have Bold Dreams. They can change the entire world.

10 minutes

I’m so excited to be back for Season Three of Talk To Tatiana

I took a little pause for a few weeks to catch up on a few things and do a bit of reflection. One of the things I came to realize during my time away was that, besides doing interviews and bringing other people’s bold inspirational stories to you, I need to start giving you little bits of information that you can actually use in your everyday life and business. 

As an accountant, and as a tax and accounting expert, I, of course, help save my clients money on taxes, help them be more cash savvy, adjust pricing, and become more profitable. The first time we connect with a client, they typically go through a review of where they are today. This is what I want to offer to you now, as the first episode of Season Three!

Providing more useful information to you all to help you on your path to your bold dream is what I live for. I’m really excited about this new format. 

So, let’s do a little bit of personal inventory.

Start by taking out a piece of paper or your journal, and let’s walk through this together. Where are you now? Whether it's from a personal perspective or a career and business perspective, consider where you are today and rank it on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the best you ever wanted it to be. 

Let’s go a little deeper… Let's say we're talking about family. Do you spend enough time with your loved ones; whether it's your kids, your parents, your significant other? 

What about time by yourself? 

We often forget the importance of spending quality time with ourselves. Whether it's reading a book, traveling, or just giving ourselves permission to slow down and do what we enjoy, and to find alignment within ourselves. 

I encourage you to rank that area of your life on a scale from 1 to 10. Where are you now? Is it maybe a seven? Maybe, you’re pretty happy, but there are a couple of things that could change for the better. Whatever it is, it's important to note for yourself and to understand where you are. We may not be able to change where you are now, in two seconds, but we are trying to assess your position and get a visual of what this season of life looks like. 

I encourage you to pause for a minute and write things down in the area of family. Envision and be proactive about the life you want.

Let’s talk about career

In terms of your career, whether you're a stay home mom, an entrepreneur in transition, or are working a full-time job, take a moment to assess your satisfaction with that area of your life on a scale from 1 to 10. Write down some thoughts.

Your Bold Dream matters

I want to take this moment to reinforce how important it is to DREAM BOLD.  You have to develop and build your dream and move towards it. That’s what makes life worth living! 

Your dream can incorporate not only big goals, like a prestigious job or influence, but it can also be as simple as wanting to spend a lot of time with your kids and watch them grow and teach them all the skills that they need in life.

What about spirituality? 

Are you feeling in alignment spiritually, remember that scale of 1 to 10. This includes meditation, religion, and your general sense of community, 

Do you know about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? 

If you don't, Google it, it's actually pretty, pretty cool. 

Basically, it’s our primary needs, which is the physiological need for food, water, warmth, and rest. As well as our need to feel safe and secure. The third piece in the pyramid is a sense of belonging. Meaning, relationships, friendships, family, whatever that means to you. It’s also the feeling of accomplishment and self-actualization, self-fulfillment. We have a NEED to leave a legacy. 

So why did I bring up the hierarchy of needs? Easy, because I want you to assess where you stand on these things. Go ahead and write them down. 

Let’s take a look at your business

Now, I know my strengths, and that’s why I am here to dive in more on the business/work-related aspects of your life. My goal is to help teach you how to start a business, run a business better, or if you're already in business, how to skip the mistakes that I've seen and made over the last 16 years of my experience, and really build a thriving business around the life you want. 

My own Bold Dreams are always changing

I am the type of person that never goes for the small fish, I always aim high. Granted, I don't always get to where I want to be and that’s OK! Even though things don’t often go the way I planned, the universe has a way of providing me with something that was actually better than I could have imagined and wanted. That’s why I really am okay with not reaching certain goals. 

Sometimes the Universe or God, or whatever you call it, knows better than we do, right? 

What is your vision?

We often forget to dream big, we often forget to Dream Bold. I do that myself sometimes, too. I’ll catch myself thinking small... I remember situations where I was stuck thinking small; and because of that, I've wasted money, time, and my business paid the price. I try to catch myself nowadays, every time. 

Continue to assess where you are 

Write down what you're good at, where your skills are, and what your passions are, write it down and keep that inventory handy because, in the coming episodes, I will share tips for you to get started!

We’ll discuss:

What do you do first? 

What do you do next? 

What do you do? 

How important is it to hire an accountant or lawyer for your new business?

Where do you even go once you form an entity? 

I know that is a lot of things we are going to cover over the next few weeks, but I promise, we're going to do it in small, digestible chunks.

Don’t keep all this great info for yourself! 

If you have friends or know someone who is exhausted, living paycheck to paycheck, those looking to start a business or maybe struggling to manage their current business, bring them with you on this Bold Dream journey. 

No more constantly chasing leads, taking on big projects, and doing side work to make ends meet.  Gone are the days of undercharging and undervaluing your product or service, or taking on clients that are not a good fit. Stick with me, and learn some tips on how to do things better.

In the coming months, I will be recording many more episodes of Talk To Tatiana, where I will be taking you through the work. Don’t worry, I'll bring guests in once a month, but I really feel like it is important for me to start touching more on those starting points I mentioned. 

A message from the CEO

Today, I also wanted to take a minute to really let you get to know me in this special “message from the CEO (Me).

I'm the CEO of my own company. Well, actually, several companies. 

It started with Linza Advisor, my tax and accounting advisory firm, where I am an advisor and support team for my clients. It's a concierge-style service, which means we handle not only the compliance (you know, the filing of taxes, the boring bookkeeping, and all the other stuff),  but we also look into your numbers and help you make better business decisions.

That kind of service is for more established businesses who really need to break through the ceiling and grow and develop and become strong businesses. That may not be you right now, but my goal is to help you get there quicker. 

Accountants have egos

Now, remember, I teach from my own experience and struggle. Years ago, in 2018, I believe, I signed up for a business coaching program. What I found was that I was limiting my own growth. 

Accountants often have huge egos. I was no exception to that rule. Because of that ego, I found myself thinking, “what could a business coach really teach me? I mean, what do I not know already?”

Right? Typical ego-centric approach. Once I joined that coaching program though, I realized how much value I hold, and how much people need the services that I offer. 

I may not have understood the full value yet when I signed up, but something in me knew that I could be a better practice, make more money, have more clients, and be more efficient. I didn’t know how, but I knew that business coaching would save me time. I was willing to pay for the keys to unlock success quicker. I knew I could get there, but it would probably take me 5 to 10 years longer to get to where I am today. 

I am now at a place where I am no longer chasing clients or work and am fully aware of my value. I want to encourage you to look for a better setup. 

What are your nonnegotiable?

Once you’ve scaled yourself on that 1 to 10 scale on how you’re doing currently, let's take a look at three years or even five years from now. Set a goal. Be specific. 

Next, I want you to write down your nonnegotiable. For some people, it's going to be location-independence. For others, it may be flexibility for the kids. Maybe you’d like to be able to travel for work or work from home. I really want to encourage you to take the time and figure out what your nonnegotiable are. Those nonnegotiable should be the driving force

of what you do and every step that you take. 

Goals move you forward

It's always good to be moving towards a goal; any goal. It doesn't have to be big and juicy and sexy; it just has to be yours. I encourage you to create a Bold Dream for yourself, so you can Start Smart. 

A good first step towards narrowing down your goals is figuring out your nonnegotiable. Don't rush through them. Take your time and when you're ready, email what you have written down. Let me see what you are working towards. I would love to really support you and congratulate you on being clear; because clarity is the first step. Email me where you want to be. Let me support your dream. 

I wrote the book Dream Bold, Start Smart for that reason. Small businesses lift up the economy. They make up the majority of the United States economy. They are also the biggest employer and one of the biggest taxpayers in the US. Small businesses changed the world. So have Bold Dreams. They can change the entire world.

If you're interested in listening to my full podcast episode, click here --> https://www.talktotatiana.tv/season3

A Message From The CEO

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