Fall is the best time to start a biz!

Let fall, the season of change, become a great push for you to get started in building up the foundation of your business and pursuing that dream that you've always had.


Did you know that Fall is a great time, possibly maybe even the best time to start a business!


In the summer, when kids are out of school, most parents, and even non parents fall into “vacation mode”. Summers are a time for joy, recharging, making memories together and going on different adventures. In our family, summers are sacred..


Fall, however, tends to be the time of focus and organization. With kids back in school and the weather getting cooler, I know I for one shift into hyper productivity mode.   


I remember during the fall of 2020, when so many people were laid off or working their jobs from home. I loved watching people start getting creative and exploring their talents. Many decided to take the plunge and step into the world of entrepreneurship. 


Let fall, the season of change, become a great push for you to get started in building up the foundation of your business and pursuing that dream that you've always had.


So, what do you do if you jumped in both feet and are now trying to get organized? Let me give you a key piece of advice... Treat your business like a real business starting right now, today. 


The biggest mistake that I've seen even the most savvy people make is not treating their side hustles or monetary hobbies as a real business. They make decisions for the business that may negatively affect the business and your personal life without learning the basic fundamentals of business.


Interested to learn more? You're in luck. I did an entire episode of #TalkToTatiana dedicated specifically to this very topic! Click here to tune in and let me know your thoughts.

Did you start a new business this last year? I would love it if you would share more about it with me so I can celebrate you in my community!

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