HUGE Announcement Coming Soon!

An huge (for you!) announcement coming soon as we prepare to start accepting applications for our SIGNATURE program launching in January 2022!


On November 29, 2021 I am opening up the Application for FULLY PAID scholarship - 5 spots - for my SIGNATURE program "Something That's Yours® Mastermind" - launching 10 days later (and starting in January 2022). The program is a comprehensive, yet not overwhelming way for you to get out of the 9-5, find your passion, re-discover and restore that warrior child in you, be your own boss and make money doing what you love, WITHOUT risking financial stability.

Exercises include: 

  • Something That's Mine™️ individual exercise
  • Light At the End of the Tunnel™️ individual exercise
  • Master Your Mindset group exercise
  • Laser Coaching Hot Seat group coaching
  • Ask Me Anything calls
  • Community support 24/7
  • Expert Masterclass once a month
  • And so much more...

Get ready!!! And get your name in here!

HUGE Announcement Coming Soon!

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