In 2022 We are Still in the New Normal (maybe not so new)

Instead of making plans, ask yourself who you are and where you want to be. What is your vision for your life? What is the next step you can take to get a little closer?

5 Minutes

Making Some Changes

Hey guys! Welcome to 2022. Hope you all had a really cool New Years' Eve. Growing up in Soviet Belarus, religion wasn’t as much of a thing. Because of that, New Years was really our big winter holiday. That was when we gave most of the gifts and did the bigger celebrations. It’s what I used to make plans for. And it’s also what taught me the benefit of not believing in plans anymore. 

No Plans?

I’m not saying not to be prepared  Thinking ahead is important for running a business. But when you make plans, you need to recognize that plans change. And that can be really cool! Just like learning to throw away the plans and celebrate Christmas and Hannukah was a really cool experience for my family, not believing in plans can help your life.

Who Are You?

Instead of making plans, ask yourself who you are and where you want to be. What is your vision for your life? What is the next step you can take to get a little closer? Plans change, but knowing who you are and what you to accomplish lets you be successful.

New Rules

The last few years were rough, and they never fully went away. There’s a new normal for businesses and business owners. A lot of you lost clients and business during the pandemic. And all of us have had to make changes to how we do business. Every new year comes with the saying “new year, new you,” but the pandemic has made it something unavoidable. It’s hard to be a business owner.

Word Of the Year

I’ve decided to take my vision for the year and turn it into one simple word:


I want to spend 2022 connecting with as many business owners as possible. I want to hear all about cool businesses that help people, and I want to help them succeed. Not just for financial gain, but connection for connection’s sake. So send me all your stories on Instagram and social media. Get in touch! I want to make 2002 the year of connections!

Tune into my full podcast episode to hear the rest of my thought by CLICKING HERE

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