Jennifer Kem: Don’t Go For Your Passions, Go For, First, What Works

How did Jennifer get started with her own business? What lessons does she have for fellow entrepreneurs? What mistakes were made along the way?

5 Minutes

Meet Jennifer!

It’s always really cool when I get to talk to an entrepreneur. However, it’s even cooler when I get to meet someone I’ve been such a fan of for such a long time. Jennifer Kem is a brilliant marketing expert who has done awesome public speaking tours and strategy training all over the country. I’ve been following Jennifer’s work for years, so this was a really special interview for me.

Caught By Surprise

Jennifer originally hadn’t planned on becoming an entrepreneur. In fact, when she was originally planning to go corporate. When she was a child and teachers asked her class what they wanted to be, Jennifer answered that she wanted to be the general counsel for Coca-Cola. Originally, Jennifer had planned to become a lawyer, but after going to college, she found herself drawn to marketing. Her new dream at that point was to be the CEO of Google.

The Fixer

Jennifer has been called marketing’s best-kept secret. For a long time, she was what’s known as a “fixer.” That means that it was her job to go to companies with failing sales teams or marketing strategies and fix them. She worked really hard at this, under the assumption that all of that hard work would one day be rewarded with the promotion to the job of her dreams. But like most entrepreneurs, she realized pretty quickly that that way wasn’t working nearly fast enough.

What Did She Do Next?

How did Jennifer get started with her own business? What lessons does she have for fellow entrepreneurs? What mistakes were made along the way? How awesome is she really? Check out the full interview to hear advice from one of the smartest people in marketing.

Catch our full conversation by CLICKING HERE

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