Juauna Lewis: Life Coach for Women Going Through Infertility

Meet Juauna Lewis, a master certified life coach. She helps women dealing with infertility to process the emotions that are going on behind the scenes that they may not be willing to talk about publicly.

5 minutes

Meet Juauna Lewis, a master certified life coach. She helps women dealing with infertility to process the emotions that are going on behind the scenes that they may not be willing to talk about publicly.


On this episode of Talk To Tatiana, I asked Juauna what led her to want to become a life coach and pursue the entrepreneurial path she has taken. 


Like most coaches, Juauna was born with a deep desire to serve and support. Parents, siblings, and teachers, She enjoyed helping others. This led her to go to school to become a counselor. 


After obtaining her master's degree in counseling, she quickly realized this wasn’t her calling. It wasn’t what she was looking for. It felt much sadder than she expected, so she moved away from that. 


It was while watching a TV show called that she was introduced to the idea of becoming a life coach. 


Juauna didn't know if she could do it, but she was determined to give it a try! She had a bold dream and knew she was meant to do something so much deeper than traditional therapy. 


I would love to invite you to listen to Juauna Lewis’s full story, available now on Talktotatiana.tv


If you have a bold dream, and are looking to start smart, so you can start making your entrepreneurial dreams a reality, let’s have a conversation. You’re always welcome to email me at tatiana@tatianatsoir.com and we can continue the conversation and explore your unique situation.

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