Should I Quit My Job And Start a Business?

In this podcast, I go into some details of things you can do to start your own business off right before you quit your job. I teach you how to grow from profit. You should get to be your own boss. Together, we can teach you how to do it safely and effectively!

Most people quit their job and start their own business for one of these reasons:

  • Burn Out

It’s exhausting trying to juggle the needs of life with the needs of your boss. Having to ask permission to take your kids to the doctor, or scheduling a trip to the grocery store around your boss’s schedule is frustrating.

  • No Passion For The Job

You are tired of the grind. You have been working because you have to, and you want to start working because you want to.

  • Passion For the Job

You have found a type of work you love doing and you want to do it forever. You want to build your whole life around it. It’s more than your job. In many ways, it’s your baby (0:35-1:11)

Being Your Own Boss

All of these reasons are basically the same thing: You want to be your own boss and do what you love. There are a lot of career coaches and business advisers out there who will tell you that you should quit your job and go all in on your own business right away. They’ll try and make it seem like it’s entirely risk-free, or that the benefits will always outweigh the risks. But you have a family to think about. Dropping everything and being your own boss can be a year of financial stress.

Starting Smarter

I believe in trying to grow your business from profit. (2:25). What does that mean? It means you know how much you make and how much you spend. Make it so you can stop making business decisions on potential profits, and start making them on actual profits. The downside to this is that when you grow from profit, you grow slower. You wait to invest in new equipment. You wait to invest in a coach, and you end your coaching as soon as you think you’ve gotten all you need out of it. This is slower, but it is smarter.

Why Grow From Profit?

(3:30) When you borrow or charge a bunch of things for its potential for your business, you can end up broke. That breaks my heart. My whole goal is to help you run a really cool, really successful business. I want you to be profitable. So I won’t advise you to quit your job immediately.

What Do I Do Instead?

Over the course of this podcast, I go into some details of things you can do to start your own business off right before you quit your job. I teach you how to grow from profit. You should get to be your own boss. Together, we can teach you how to do it safely and effectively!


Should I Quit My Job And Start a Business?

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